Voters OK Two Bond Propositions
The results from the 2024 Allen ISD bond election are in, and voters have shown their support for Propositions A and C. In total, more than 98 percent of the dollar amount in the bond proposal was approved by voters. Proposition A, approved with more than 56 percent of the vote, will support Allen ISD students through campus renovations, safety and security enhancements, transportation upgrades, construction of a multi-purpose activity center, and other necessary capital project needs. Proposition C was approved by more than 53% of voters and will update and refresh technology devices for students and staff as part of the Empower 1:1 program. “I want to thank our community members for their overwhelming support for both Propositions A and C to benefit the students and staff of our school district,” said Superintendent Dr. Robin Bullock. “This bond proposal was created by a dedicated group of community members serving on the Project Kids committee, and I am so grateful for their thoughtful approach in building a bond package that was enthusiastically supported by the voters.” Proposition B, which would have replaced the track surfaces at Curtis Middle School and Lowery Freshman Center, fell short with 48 percent of voters supporting the projects. The district will now determine the next steps to address these track facilities' pressing needs. Allen ISD will certify the election results at an upcoming Board of Trustees meeting. Following the certification, the District will prepare for the first set of projects to begin in the spring/summer of 2025.

Voters OK Two Bond Propositions
The results from the 2024 Allen ISD bond election are in, and voters have shown their support for Propositions A and C. In total, more than 98 percent of the dollar amount in the bond proposal was approved by voters. Proposition A, approved with more than 56 percent of the vote, will support Allen ISD students through campus renovations, safety and security enhancements, transportation upgrades, construction of a multi-purpose activity center, and other necessary capital project needs. Proposition C was approved by more than 53% of voters and will update and refresh technology devices for students and staff as part of the Empower 1:1 program. “I want to thank our community members for their overwhelming support for both Propositions A and C to benefit the students and staff of our school district,” said Superintendent Dr. Robin Bullock. “This bond proposal was created by a dedicated group of community members serving on the Project Kids committee, and I am so grateful for their thoughtful approach in building a bond package that was enthusiastically supported by the voters.” Proposition B, which would have replaced the track surfaces at Curtis Middle School and Lowery Freshman Center, fell short with 48 percent of voters supporting the projects. The district will now determine the next steps to address these track facilities' pressing needs. Allen ISD will certify the election results at an upcoming Board of Trustees meeting. Following the certification, the District will prepare for the first set of projects to begin in the spring/summer of 2025.
Student Opportunity
Every campus in Allen ISD will receive improvements from the 2024 bond proposal. This includes safety and security enhancements, technology infrastructure and WiFi upgrades, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing repairs, Empower 1:1 computer devices for students and teachers, cafeteria equipment repairs and replacements, playground equipment repairs and replacements, grounds and irrigation repairs, and more.
Upgrades to Existing Facilities
In previous bond proposals, several campuses have received major renovations that have redesigned learning spaces suitable for current teaching methods. Renovations have also updated flooring, wall coverings, lighting, plumbing, HVAC, and other items that experience wear and tear in the 15 to 17 years between renovations. A majority of the 2024 bond would be used to bring additional schools to this new standard of renovation to provide more district students with access to similar academic programming and educational experiences.
Safety and Security
The Allen ISD 2024 Bond Proposal would allow safety and security updates to make campuses more secure, provide additional cameras in campus areas to enhance coverage, and reconfigure main entrances at certain campuses to enhance secure visitor entrances.
This bond would allow for improvements in the technology infrastructure. Those improvements would increase the speed, security, reliability, and connectivity to better support student learning. This includes improving technology infrastructure, and update and refresh devices for students and teachers as part of the Empower 1:1 Program.
Community Use
The tracks at Ereckson and Curtis middle schools are currently available for community use. If Proposition A is approved, Ford Middle School would receive a track that would also be available for community use. Additionally, Proposition A includes the resurfacing of tennis courts at Lowery Freshman Center (the tennis courts are located at Main St. and Jupiter). The tennis courts would be striped for pickleball and made available to the community, when not in use by students.
Student Opportunity
Every campus in Allen ISD will receive improvements from the 2024 bond proposal. This includes safety and security enhancements, technology infrastructure and WiFi upgrades, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing repairs, Empower 1:1 computer devices for students and teachers, cafeteria equipment repairs and replacements, playground equipment repairs and replacements, grounds and irrigation repairs, and more.
Upgrades to Existing Facilities
In previous bond proposals, several campuses have received major renovations that have redesigned learning spaces suitable for current teaching methods. Renovations have also updated flooring, wall coverings, lighting, plumbing, HVAC, and other items that experience wear and tear in the 15 to 17 years between renovations. A majority of the 2024 bond would be used to bring additional schools to this new standard of renovation to provide more district students with access to similar academic programming and educational experiences.
Safety and Security
The Allen ISD 2024 Bond Proposal would allow safety and security updates to make campuses more secure, provide additional cameras in campus areas to enhance coverage, and reconfigure main entrances at certain campuses to enhance secure visitor entrances.
This bond would allow for improvements in the technology infrastructure. Those improvements would increase the speed, security, reliability, and connectivity to better support student learning. This includes improving technology infrastructure, and update and refresh devices for students and teachers as part of the Empower 1:1 Program.